Light and Dark Halves!


This is a great fun and super easy pudding to make, which looked fantastic but very classy! This is another bbc recipe, but the design is my own invention and using different toppings. Who doesn’t love a tasty and easy pudding recipe? 

Ingredients serves 4:

3/4 of a packet of digestive biscuits

50g butter

2 tbsp golden syrup

200ml double cream

3/4 of a bar of galaxy chocolate 

strawberries (as many as you would like)

2tbsp icing sugar

blueberries (for topping)


Firstly make the biscuit base, crush the biscuits in an air tight bag with a rolling pin and then mix in melted butter and syrup and combine together and spread into 4 tart cases with removable bottoms roughly 9cm in diameter, and leave in fridge. Next whip cream until it starts to form peaks and separate into two bowls, adding 1tbsp of icing sugar to each and mixing melted chocolate into one and chopped strawberries into another and mix. Then spread the chocolate topping over two of the biscuit bases and the strawberry one over the others and leave in the fridge until plating up time. 

Take the tarts out the fridge and remove them from their cases by popping out the bottoms and cut all four in halves and give one of each flavour per person. Then leave a gap between them and fill with strawberry slices and then do a line of blueberries on top of each tart and your ready to serve. I hope you enjoy and please the people you are serving for…


10 responses »

  1. This is one of the most attractive looking puddings – definitely one for entertaining but easy enough for family times too ! Very well done !

  2. This is indeed one of my favourite Pippi puddings. Tasted fantastic and looked great.
    Very well done Pip

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